In this section we are going to discuss about who should not use aromatherapy so that user can take precautions when using it. It is necessary be aware that Pure Essential Oils should be used carefully, with proper education and in safe amounts.

So who should not use aromatherapy ?
First and foremost pure Essential Oils of pharmaceutical grade are natural remedy which comes with incredible therapeutic power. And with great power comes greater responsibility. There are many essential oil articles online giving worrisome blanket advice about their usage.
⦁ Babies and Children
Some Essential Oils contain hormones that have an adverse effect on baby’s development. In particular avoid high hormonal-trigger content oils such as Lavender and Tea Tree oils. They are said to cause breast development in prepubescent boys If you are considering using of Pure Essential Oils on your baby, please be sure to read up about its properties and carefully heed any warnings given.
♦ Use half of what you would have use for yourself andadd carrier oil to dilute it further.
♦ 1 drop of Essential Oils to 10 mls of carrier oils would be a good startt belong to the top note category are: Anise, Basil,…..see more.

⦁ Pregnant Woman and Nursing Mothers
Many oils have stimulating effect on the uterus. It can be very helpful when used at an appropriate time such as to facilitate childbirth but it is also known of its spontaneous link to miscarriage.
♦ Consider avoiding Essential Oils totally for the first trimester and the whole of pregnancy to be on the safe side.
♦ Nursing mothers should also exercise caution when using Essential Oils as the effects of the oil can readily pass to the infants.

⦁ Pets
This is never a good idea to leave your essential oil in a place that your pets could get to them. An open bottle of essential oil or a drop on the floor, may serve as an invitation to curious animal like cats and dogs which are sensitive to scents. So keep your Essential Oils in a safe place and wipe up that spill immediately.
♦ Some practitioners advocate that Essential Oils are good for animals but to date we still need significant evidence and prove as an answer to this open question.
⦁ Who are Suffering from or Susceptible to the Following Problem :
- Cancer
- Heart Problem (Cardiac)
- Epilepsy
- Liver Problem (Hepatitis)
- Sensitive Skin
There is so much more to learn about the world aromatherapy and also many more things to write about. We have just covered the basics of who should not use aromatherapy.
Where would be the best place to buy them?
Thanks for coming . If you can’t get it at any store around your area then perhaps you might consider getting it online from Amazon or Essential oils from Our Bazaar.
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