What Are Organic Essential Oils?
- Brief introduction
An alternative (in medicine) is a substance that speeds up the renewal of the tissues so that they can carry out their functions more efficiently.
Aromatherapy is one such method of healing, using volatile oils.
This article was prepared to give the reader more information on the usage of essential oils.
What Are Organic Essential Oils?
Essential oils are highly concentrated plant extracts that are derived from flowers, leaves, roots and other parts of a plant either throughout the method of distillation or cold pressing.
What Are Organic Essential Oils? They gain widespread popularity due to their numerous benefits in health, beauty and general well being
Therapeutic grade essential oils
Essential oils are commonly used in Aromatherapy, this ancient form of alternative medicine focuses on their therapeutic effects on the human body.
Although their full potential is still largely untapped due to the lack of scientific research conducted on the matter, the general response to using essential oils for treating several minor health conditions has been mostly positive.
Yet their proclaimed effectiveness does not mean they’re entirely harmless.
Indeed, Aromatic oils may cause serious complications if not properly utilized and in the right amounts.
Therefore, it’s highly advised to respect some safety guidelines when using essential oils to prevent any unpleasant side effects.
What Are Organic Essential Oils? Inhalation is considered a safe way of utilizing essential oils and exert beneficial effects on the body, since their aromatic scent stimulates areas of the limbic system that is responsible, for the functions of breathing and blood pressure.
Hence their tremendous effectiveness in reducing the levels of stress and anxiety, restoring energy and enhancing sleep quality.

Essential Oils Uses & Guides
Inhaling natural oils must be done on a well ventured area to avoid putting pressure on the nervous system.
Likewise, the topical use of essential oils is valuable intreating
variable skin conditions.
Their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antibacterial properties help reduce redness, fight acne and calm skin rashes.
Essential oils are natural hydrators in the sense that they provide the necessary moisture and nourishment that the skin always needs.
Needless to say that you can make your own body oil, a mixture that suits your skin needs and massage it gently.
What Are Organic Essential Oils? However, essential oils are a highly concentrated substance that must be always diluted in a proper carrier oil such as jojoba or coconut oil before applying it directly to the skin.
This step is crucial to avoid any negative reactions.
Once properly diluted, put a small sample on your rest and wait a few minutes if you experience any irritation, intoxication or allergic reaction the oil is not suitable for you.
What Are Organic Essential Oils? Concerning the internal use of essential oils, it’s prohibited to digest them under any circumstances and should not come in contact with the eyes, ears nor private parts since they may cause intoxication and in extreme cases death.
Pregnant women and elderly people are not advised to use essential oils since they’re highly exposed to negative outcomes.

What Are Organic Essential Oils? Another important matter to discuss is choosing a high quality essential oil.
It can be a tricky matter but there’s several signs that reveal the oil’s quality from the jump. First and foremost, the botanical name of the essential oil should be listed on the label as well as the components.
Any other fillers such as fragrance or perfume are unwanted instead look for a product that contains a single essential oil in its purest form.
Select dark-colored containers since they prevent the oil from dissolving overtime and protect the quality.
- Conclusion
Last but not least, essential oils are complementary treatments and can never replace a prescribed medicine considering that their benefits depend mainly on each essential oil and the use of it.